By what standard do we know if the CEA programs are meeting our goals/expectations?
Our goal is to provide needy children with the essentials of life while teaching them to become upstanding Christian members of society. With only 3 years of operation under our belt we can only base the success of our work on what we know so far.
So far, even with the discontinued face to face classes at school because of the Covid 19 pandemic we have found that our CEA children, even those who came to us not able to read and write, have shown that they are progressing well in their secular studies. The teachers have reported back that the CEA children are well behaved, respectful, and smart!
We also know that twelve of our older children have put on Christ in baptism and one volunteer worker has as well. We know many of the other younger children have increased their knowledge of the bible immensely and all of them participate in our weekly worship.
We also know that people in the community have become knowledgeable about our facility and notice we are different than other such facilities in the Philippines. We take that as a compliment and affirmation we are on the right path!
Thank you to all our donors and sponsors that make this “life changing” work possible!
Summertime at CEA!

Summertime is now in full swing for our CEA kids! The children are involved daily with remedial classes as well as craft projects and other fun activities. Some of the activities this summer are pillowcase making, organization skills, team building, scavenger hunt/treasure hunt, frog catching, bird house building, world geography/cultures, sportsfest, and more!
Face to face classes is to resume on Aug. 22 but we do not yet know the details of the upcoming school year schedule as to how many days each week the children will be able to attend school and how long each day.
Construction Update
Our construction crew has been working on a number of various small projects as we await the final detailed plans for the construction of the “CEA Learning Center” (school). They have completed some concrete work at our front gate entrance, finish work on our sports storage space, a storage shed at the family cottage and pavers for our service road.
We are still asking for donations towards the construction of our school building that will be used as a multifunction building…for classes, worship services, bible studies, “movie night,” monthly birthday parties, and more.
The building will also include a clinic with isolation rooms for children with a contagious illness, social worker’s office, library with computer lab, and storage space for school/teaching supplies. This building is essential to us as we continue to add to the number of children we care for and educate. Please consider a donation…any amount is helpful!
What is Good for the Goose…
Seven geese have been added to our facility, donated by our “House 2” house parents, Maylina and Alner Ballaso. We have built an enclosure for them in hopes of increasing the flock. We hope their young will be able to be sold for cash or be a source of meat for ourselves to augment our self-sufficiency program. The children of CEA will also be involved in the care and management of the birds as a learning experience.
Matthew 5:13-15
13“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Ronald and Georgia Brown
Casa Esperanza of Angels
Tanjay City, Philippines
July 2022 Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 89