As another year comes to a close, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We had triumphs and catastrophes in this last year…that’s generally how life goes! But we are very blessed and happy for the successes of the year. We have, regardless of storms/difficulties/problems, made progress and we will continue to keep the mission moving forward.
We have transitioned from “home schooling” to sending the children back to face-to-face classes full time.

We added 8 children into our care and 3 children were discharged to another facility nearer to their family in hopes they can be reunited in the future, or directly back to family.
We had 4 baptisms in 2022 and have seen our CEA children growing spiritually and physically.
We are proud of our successes but will not rest on our laurels, rather will continue to push forward with the work before us.
Enjoy this holiday season with your family, loved ones,
friends, and know that we are thankful for you and
your support is changing lives!
Construction Update
Our CEA Learning Center construction project continues despite frequent rains. We are currently pouring the floor beams followed by plumbing rough in and slab.
We still need financial assistance to complete this much needed building. Consider a tax-deductible year-end donation towards this project!
Donations towards the “CEA Learning Center”
Checks must be made to:
Philippine Mission Inc.
Aaron Schwartz, CPA
c/o Philippine Mission, Inc.
1108 Center Road
Rogersville, MO 65742
Prayers and Plans For 2023
Planning is important, but prayerful petitions help us follow the plans/path HE has for us.
We are currently renewing our license to operate as well as applying for accreditation.
We hope to complete the “CEA Learning Center” by end of 2023 as well as bring in additional children to have both our children’s homes at full capacity. We hope to develop and enhance our staff to meet the needs of caring for these children and spreading the “Good News”!
We are so grateful to our donors/sponsors that make this all possible. It is only because of your generosity we can pursue this mission work. Thank you and may we all continue in HIS bountiful blessings for 2023!
Proverbs 11:24-25
24There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
25The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself.
Ronald and Georgia Brown
Casa Esperanza of Angels
Tanjay City, Philippines
December 2022 Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 94