Greetings from the Philippines!
While the “heat is on” in the US we have cooled down ever so slightly here in the Philippines with the coming of the rainy season. After months of hardly a drop of rain we are now getting frequent rain here on Negros Island. Rainy season is from June to November. Sitting astride the typhoon belt, most of the islands experience annual torrential rains and thunderstorms from July to October with around nineteen typhoons entering the Philippine area of responsibility in a typical year and eight or nine making landfall.
We know there can be no rainbow without the rain!
We’re coming to America!
My wife and I will be coming to the USA in October. Our tentative plans are to be in Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, Virginia, and passing through New York during this visit. We will be visiting family, friends, and donors in these locations. If you are in any of these areas and wish to meet us to discuss our project it is possible we can make plans to visit with you. Please contact us as soon as possible so we can see our dates of availability for your location.

You may contact us through our website:
Facebook: Casa Esperanza of Angels, Philippine Mission, Inc.
Or email:
We look forward to meeting and visiting with you while in the USA!
Making a vision a Reality!

We are very busy these days with the planning/design work for Casa Esperanza of Angels facility. We expect to be applying for permits for the fencing/exterior wall in the very near future.

We have also had meetings with the newly elected mayor of Tanjay City, the local DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development) representative, as well as the Regional DSWD head. All these government officials expressed their encouragement and willingness to help our project meet the necessary government requirements and assist us with success of our mission. The excitement of Casa Esperanza of Angels facility is spreading!

City Mayor Reynaldo Concepcion and Mr. Ronald Brown
If you have an interest to be a part of this work please contact us or visit our website to learn more.
Numbers 6:24-26 ESV
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Our Sincere thanks and God’s Blessings to you all,
Ronald and Georgia Brown
Tanjay City, Philippines
July – August 2016 Newsletter
Volume 2 Issue 20